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Here at WPMN, we understand that the medical application process is daunting without the additional barriers you may face! This page will provide advice and links for additional support to help you on your way! Gain access to free exclusive resources and events by signing up to be a member!

Overview of the application process

Support and resources

Why consider Medicine?

Are you on the fence about applying, or haven't given Medicine much thought? Don't worry! Hopefully this blog will help you out!

A-level revision tips

Don't know where to start with A level revision? Here are some techniques that could help!

Universities and Entry Requirements

Picking a University can be difficult! There are so many different factors to consider. Hopefully this blog helps!

Work Experience

  • What work experience do you need?

  • What should you be doing on work experience?

  • Why is work experience important?


Not sure where to begin with UCAT revision?

Stuck on one particular section? Need some overall advice?

Our Mastering the UCAT playlist could be a good place to start 

Personal Statement

Do you need some Personal Statement inspiration? View our PS bank to get started!


What are the different types of interview? How should I prepare for them? What type of questions could I be asked?

Forums and Support

Our Forums are a great place to get free advice and support from medical students and doctors who have been exactly where you are now!


Our content team write informative blogs on a wide range of topics! These will bring you all the latest knowledge we have to share! They are worth a read. Think we need another topic? Get in touch!

Other websites

(Links to external websites)

Med Mentor

Recommended for medical school guides
Includes some paid content

Medic Collective

Extensive free resources for applying
Recommended for writing competitions

Medic Portal 

Useful summaries about each medical school, graduate entry medicine, admissions processes, and more.
Includes some paid content


Useful blog posts for application process

Support through application process and courses through Instagram page

Medical Schools Council

One-stop-shop for all things medicine application. 
From interview preparation support to outreach support schemes

Ali Abdaal

His Medicine Application Tips (UK) YouTube playlist contains invaluable advice for tackling medicine interviews (MMI and Oxbridge).   

Future Doc free resources 

Contains a Free Resource page with guides for different stages of the medicine application 


We understand that not everyone has a medical contact they can get support and guidance from... that is why we are here!

Become a member today - and get in touch with us through our contact form or our forums to receive the advice and support you feel you need.


If you have a good resource that we are missing, please contact us via our contact form so we can add it to our website and share it with all of our members!

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